The Department of Agriculture Sciences is a multidisciplinary field having Masters and Doctorate (PhD) program. Under this program, students conduct experimental research in field or laboratory in various disciplines like Field Crops, Horticulture, Crop Production and Technology, Plant Protection (Entomology, Pathology), Agricultural Biotechnology, Molecular Biology and genetics, Soil science and Plant Nutrition. The students graduated from Department of Agriculture Sciences will be to specialize in one area.
The aim of our Master's and Doctoral program in the Department of Agricultural Sciences is to make ensure that students gain competence in their respective field of interest in order to meet the demand of highly qualified scientists/researchers. In addition, it meets the need for academic staff in the field of Agricultural Sciences and Technology within the university. It enables our graduate students to have a comprehensive and deep theoretical and applied knowledge in different fields of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, gain the ability to evaluate information, design experiments, analyze and report experimental results. It will help them to easily adapt the new trends in technology in the field of Agricultural Sciences.
The academic staff of Department of Agricultural Sciences are carrying out research at national and International level funded by TUBITAK, T.C. Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, T.C. Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, T. C. Ministry of Industry and Trade. Students graduated from this program will be able to find job and work in Government sectors like T.C. Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, T.C. Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, T.C. Ministry of Industry and Trade and T.C. Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology; private and public universities; Directorate General of State Hydraulic Works, Agriculture and Credit Cooperatives, private and public banks, Agriculture-related producers unions, companies producing seeds, seedlings and plants and breeding, public and private private sector organizations related to agriculture, including green field facility and variety development, private and public banks, especially in farming, seed, seedling and sapling growing companies, green field establishment and variety development, public and private private sector organizations related to agriculture, They can be employed in a wide range of business areas, including agricultural production enterprises, analysis laboratories, organic agriculture enterprises and agricultural consultancy enterprises. They will be able to find jobs in other sectors like agricultural production enterprises, analysis laboratories, organic farming businesses or agricultural consultancy businesses.
Prof.Dr. Muhammad ASIM
Chairperson of the Department of Agricultural Science